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Deciding to Sell

Why are you selling? Are you looking to downsize or upgrade? Do you want to change sceneries, neighborhoods, city, or state? The answers to these questions will greatly help your real estate agent to better guide you thru the selling process.

Select Your Real Estate Agent

It is true that you can sell your property on your own, however, our experienced Real Estate Agents can handle all of the details and ensure you get the max dollar amount for the sale so you can focus on your move.

What to look for when choosing a Real Estate Agent/Broker:

  • EXPERIENCE IS KEY – Find out how long the agent has been selling homes and how many transactions have been completed. 
  • LOOK FOR A FULL TIME REAL ESTATE AGENT – Communication is key in the process and the agent must be available and easy to reach. 
  • MARKETING IS VITAL – Ask about the marketing plan and how the agent will reach the pool of active buyers. Over 90% of buyers are looking online via phone, web, tablet so marketing is extremely important.
  • SOLID BROKERAGE – Make sure the Real Estate Brokerage has great track record in selling homes and great internet exposure.

Westchester Dream Home Realty LLC checks off all of these boxes!!

Prepare to Sell

This is an important point in which your real estate agent will play crucial role. If you need to sell right away your agent can provide you with a complete market analysis and a plan to reach your goals. If you are in no rush to sell, a thorough review of the current market conditions report will be provided by one of our experienced agents. This report will help you determine if it is a good time or wait for the most favorable time to sell. In addition, we will keep you informed of the market trends and conditions. When time comes to list your property be sure that we will apply our knowledge and expertise to arrive at the best market prices and terms.

Prepare Your Home

  • No matter how good the interior looks, buyers have already judged your home before they walk through the door.  Curb Appeal is Critical. Make sure the property is well manicured (law mowed, bushes trimmed, garden free of weeds). If there is snow, walkways and driveways should be nicely plowed.  Inexpensive staging can help such as a new door mat or wreath on front door. 
  • Make necessary repairs prior to listing – BUYERS WILL RUN IF THERE IS WATER IN BASEMENT OR LEAKS IN ROOF.
  • DECLUTTER! This is a great time to get rid of items that you have been holding onto. Less clutter means rooms look larger. 
  • LIGHTS LIGHTS & MORE LIGHTS – Make sure all lights have bright bulbs – this will lighten up the rooms for great photos and help make the house brighter.
  • CLEAN! – General full cleaning of the home is highly recommended. And home must look “showcase ready” for each showing and smell great.
  • CONSIDER HIRING A HOME STAGING EXPERT – Statistics show houses that were staged sell quickly for top dollar.

Your agent will tour your home prior to listing and come up with a list of recommendations.

Accepting an Offer

When offers are presented by buyers, sellers have several options:

  1. Accept the offer/terms
  2. Making a counteroffer to the buyer
  3. Reject the offer

Here is where your real estate agent comes in. We can help you evaluate each offer that is presented to determine which one is more beneficial to you. Not only taking in consideration the price but the terms and conditions without compromising your marketing position. You might even have to deal with multiple offers for which your agent will help you to point out critical terms to select the most suitable offer for you.


Most buyers will have the home inspected by a licensed home inspector. Some can also opt for additional inspections by specialized contractors to the roof, HVAC systems, Septic, etc.  Some towns require a town inspection before closing. BE PREPARED – Many times after inspection the Buyer’s Agent will try to negotiate on behalf of their client to have the sellers repair a list of items OR give credit towards the repairs at closing. Your agent and attorney will help you through this process if it occurs.

Contracts to Closing

Once both parties agree on all terms, contracts are drawn up by the seller’s attorney and sent to the buyer’s attorney. After contracts are fully executed with the down payment check, the buyer’s attorney will order the title /municipal search. If the buyer is financing the purchase, the lender will order the bank appraisal. Your Real Estate Agent will keep the lines of communications open during this process for all parties to make sure that each is getting their job completed in a timely fashion. 

Once municipal search, title and loan are approved the closing date will be set. The buyers will do their final walk through typically the day before or the day of the closing. They will make sure everything in the home remains in working order, there are no items left behind by the previous occupants and the property is in the same condition they last saw it. During the closing meeting all documents will be signed by all parties, funds transfers will take place, and home keys will be provided to the buyers. Time to celebrate the sale!